City League Soccer
Soccer Alliance Missoula and Missoula Parks & Recreation are working to rebuild the adult soccer leagues. Participation is at historic lows yet we have a vibrant and extensive community of soccer plays that want to play and compete. SAM and Parks collaboration intends to restore the men's league, expand the women's league, and create three levels of co-rec play. Information on the leagues and special events promoting the leagues can be found below.

Spring Soccer 7 Aside
Missoula Parks 7 aside soccer season runs for 6 weeks plus playoff week starting April 8. Registration is due April 1. Leagues include Women's, Men's, Co-Rec A, Co-Rec B, and Co-Rec C and are self-officiated. More information and to register a team ,please go to the Missoula Parks Adult Teams link below.
Fort Missoula Open Soccer Nights
SAM and MPR are hosting free play soccer under the lights on the FMRP turf field on Thursday, March 15 and Thursday, April 4. This is a chance to meet other players and to join teams for the spring and summer soccer sessions.

Summer League Soccer
Summer Soccer leagues will be an 8 week season starting on June 3. The leagues will include Women's, Men's, Co-Rec A, Co-Rec B, and Co-Rec C divisions with officials. Registration for the summer league is due by May 28. To register and for more information go the MPR Adult Sports link below.
Summer League 7 Aside
MPR will also offer an optional Co-Rec A & B 7 aside summer league. These leagues will be self-officiated and run for 6 weeks starting on June 11. Registration is due June 5. To register and for more information visit the MPR Adult Sports link below.